Health Benefits of Using EMF Blockers: Reducing Exposure to Harmful Radiation

Health Benefits of Using EMF Blockers Reducing Exposure to Harmful Radiation

It’s no secret that electromagnetic field exposure has become an ever–present influence on our collective human health and well-being. This negative, damaging energy is coming from our cell phones, laptops and tablets, electrical devices, even our household appliances like microwave ovens and smart televisions - all while more high-voltage power lines and 5G cell towers are cropping up all around us.

But what is all of that cell phone radiation and other sources of EMF exposure doing to the human body and our brains? An increased risk of brain cancer has been linked to mobile phones and the World Health Organization has warned of cancer risks associated with lengthy exposure to EMF and RF energy.

The electric and magnetic fields surrounding us in our homes, our schools, and our workplaces have only continued to multiply as we rely on more electronic devices throughout our daily lives. But while scientists, researchers, and experts in the fields of technology and medicine once claimed that short-term exposure to low frequency EMFs was not harmful, there have been thousands of research studies in recent years that have conclusively proved otherwise.

For instance, residential exposure to EMFs are now around-the-clock as we bring more smart appliances, Wi-Fi routers and wireless electronic devices into our homes. Even our automobiles now incorporate a myriad of electronic components that emit strong, steady streams of electromagnetic radiation that have an impact on our health and wellness.

The longer we fail to impose exposure limits on ourselves and our children, the more likely we are to suffer the potential health hazards of EMF exposure.

Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

The adverse health effects related to cell phones and the EMF radiation emitted from them are backed by scientific evidence, which has also found that children are more susceptible to the health consequences of cell phone radiation exposure since they absorb more of this radiation into their brain tissue than adults. Additional studies have also found consistent evidence of the dangers of EMF radiation on adults with a wide range of serious health concerns, including effects on metabolic activity in the brain, a decrease in blood platelet count, and other biological effects that can have long-term consequences.

But considering that billions of people around the world are using cell phones 24/7, the impacts of EMF exposure from cell phones alone can have significant health effects in those individuals who are particularly sensitive to the symptoms of illness related to cell phone radiation.

That doesn't even take into account all of the other sources of radiofrequency electromagnetic field radiation that are constantly emanating from all of the other wireless electronic devices that have become the cornerstones of our existence. Our computers, our electric cars, our 5G towers, you name it - there is some level of potentially harmful EMF coming from it.

Health Concerns Related to EMF Exposure

Individuals who are more susceptible to suffering from the symptoms of EMF exposure are categorized as having electromagnetic hypersensitivity, a recognized neurologic, pathological disorder typified by a wide range of symptoms that include headache, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and short-term memory loss. Additional symptoms may also include anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, and chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, attention-deficit disorder, and extreme mood swings.

These and other serious physical health concerns such as dysesthesia, skin irritation, and burning or tingling sensations in the nerves have all been linked to short and long-term EMF exposure from all of the most prevalent and common sources across the electromagnetic spectrum that are current mainstream components of our normal, everyday routines.

Considering all of the EMF sources to which we willingly expose ourselves day in and day out, it’s no wonder there are more people experiencing symptoms of EMF exposure and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. These health concerns, combined with the World Health Organization warning of carcinogenic impacts from EMF and radio frequency exposure, are leading many people to ask how they can avoid these adverse health effects even if they aren’t yet prepared to reduce or stop their use of all electronic and mobile devices that emit high doses of non-ionizing radiation.

Protecting Against Harmful Electric and Magnetic Field Radiation

EMF radiation is all around us and it’s become almost impossible to simply move away from areas where electromagnetic radiation is at even the lowest concentration levels. EMF exposure is something we are all forced to deal with on a routine basis, and with the potential health hazards inherent to extended periods of exposure it’s more important than ever to implement an effective strategy for mitigating the damage.

Blocking the electromagnetic radiation with energy shielding materials offers one possible method of protection. However, this option will also render all of your electronic devices inoperable as a result. For instance, your cell phone would no longer work because in order to block the cell phone radiation from being emitted the signal coming to and from the device would be disabled. That means your cell phone is useless. Same for your laptop, your smart television, anything that emits electromagnetic radiation would be disabled since the ELF radiation is a by-product of its functionality.

Bioresonance Technology: The Effective Alternative to Blockers

Disabling all of our electronic devices is just as easy as simply giving them up tomorrow. Which is to say that it’s likely never to happen. If people suddenly decided to start using EMF blockers to prevent sustained exposure to EMF’s, there would be far fewer operational electronic devices threatening our health and wellness.

Our modern society has chosen to embrace all of the most advanced technologies that offer faster connectivity speeds and stronger cell signals to ensure we never drop another call or miss a text.

But the most effective and beneficial technology is here to protect against EMFs while keeping all of our devices fully functional and operating at peak performance. Best of all, it’s a much better alternative to EMF blockers.

That technology is bioresonance. Instead of blocking harmful EMFs and radiofrequency radiation, therefore incapacitating all of your wireless electronic and electrical devices, bioresonance technology works to harmonize that negative, damaging energy to drastically reduce its harmful effects without diminishing the operational capacity of the devices from which that EMF radiation is sourced.

How Bioresonance Technology Works

This proprietary technology has been infused into all of our EMF protection products and emits bioenergetic frequencies that work on two levels. The first is by harmonizing the dangerous energy in EMFs by neutralizing its effects, decreasing the potential hazards that come from long-term exposure. When the frequencies from your EMF Harmony product intermingle with the EMF radiation energies coming from your electronic device, the result is a reduced level of hazardous negative energy.

The second is by working to support the immunity of your body at the cellular level. The bioenergetic frequencies that are emitted from your EMF Harmony protection product enter the body through one of your meridian points. The meridians are a complex network of pathways that distribute your natural biological energies throughout your body. These energies help to keep you healthy through a proper balance and uninterrupted flow.

When the frequencies from your EMF Harmony product interact with your natural biofield, the bioresonance energy works to support your cells against the oxidative stress that occurs from unprotected electromagnetic field exposure.

Bioresonance technology works to protect you and your loved ones both inside and out.

Exposure Limits or EMF Harmony Protection Products: Choose Wisely

The scientific evidence pointing towards the significant dangers that EMFs pose to human health are clear in recommending that limited exposure to EMFs is an important step in keeping the public safe. This is particularly essential for children who are still developing while their bodies and brains are the most vulnerable. EMF exposure is a danger to all of us, and when blocking this negative energy is insufficient as a health and human safety measure, EMF protection is the best and most effective step for preserving our physical and psychological well-being.

EMF Harmony has been developing the most innovative and effective EMF protection products in the industry because we know how dangerous EMF exposure can be for adults and children alike. When you are ready to safeguard yourself and your loved ones against EMF radiation - and exposure limits just aren't a realistic option - then turn to EMF Harmony to protect your family in today's modern world.

We offer a wide range of EMF protection jewelry and harmonizer kits to reduce the negative health effects from all of your wireless devices and sources of EMF radiation in the home, the office, the automobile - anywhere and everywhere you are most likely to be exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiation.

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