Beyond Blockers: Holistic Approaches to EMF Protection

Beyond Blocker

EMF exposure has never been more prevalent in our lives. The digital world in which we live continues to evolve the technology upon which we rely for communication, commerce, and even the functionality of our most basic infrastructure. Everywhere you look, electronic components are tasked with helping to operate or govern the systems we use as a society, connectivity networks are running faster than ever before, and our wireless devices are becoming more deeply ingrained into our daily lives.

But as we create newer, faster, and more reliable methods to stay connected, researchers and medical experts are now shining the spotlight on the potential health risks of these innovations. The presence of electromagnetic radiation has only increased and will continue to do so the more we place an importance on our cell phone use along with all of the other devices that we depend on each and every day, from laptops and tablets to Bluetooth devices and smart appliances.

The Dangers of EMF Exposure

The harmful effects associated with constant exposure to EMFs manifest in a variety of symptoms that can severely impact the sufferer’s quality of life. It’s not much of a surprise that more individuals have been reporting and presenting these symptoms, which range from headaches and fatigue to nausea and cognitive dysfunction.

The more we rely on our wireless technology and the more advanced it becomes, the more people are experiencing the adverse health symptoms that have most recently been categorized as part of a condition called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

Individuals with EHS are highly sensitive to EMF exposure emitted from devices like our cell phones, wi-fi routers, power lines, microwave ovens, and so on.

While it’s true that electromagnetic fields radiation is very much a part of our everyday world - even the sun and its ultraviolet light contains some significant degree of radiation - the type of mechanisms by which we are exposed to this negative energy and the damaging effects that harm our physical and mental health are only increasing.

Finding effective methods for genuine protection has never been more crucial to our health and well-being in all instances where exposure is possible, and taking a holistic approach to immune support in the face of rising EMF levels can reduce the negative health effects of consistent exposure.

Common Symptoms Associated with EHS

The effects of electromagnetic hypersensitivity include inflammation, oxidative stress and disruption of the blood brain barrier, presenting common symptoms such as:

  • Migraine headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Itchy, irritated skin
  • Burning sensations
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Poor sleep
  • Cognitive disturbances
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

These and other symptoms start to become more apparent after extended periods of EMF exposure and while many of these are typically short-term consequences, the long-term effects have been shown as carcinogenic in nature for many individuals. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, has categorized non-ionizing EMFs emitted from standard wireless electronic devices as Group 2B, the classification for having potentially carcinogenic effects on human beings after a series of studies explored links between EMF’s and cancer, particularly acute myeloid leukemia.

Strategies for Protection and Mitigating the Harm

The sources of EMF are just about everywhere. You are more likely to encounter consistent electromagnetic radiation energy in your home, your workplace, even your vehicle at levels that may not seem all that powerful but, in reality, are having a serious impact on your health and wellness. The levels being emitted from our wireless devices and cell phone towers were once thought to be harmless, with little to no short or long-term consequence through exposure. But these studies and conclusions were first conducted and reached when our technologies were still emerging and our reliance upon them were not as widespread as they are today. These research studies and the experts behind them likely hadn't counted on the amount of time we would spend using all of the devices and electronic components that have been incorporated into our daily routines, not to mention the effects of cumulative radiation from a myriad of devices, rather than just a single source.

Sure, limited exposure to EMFs may have been no big deal twenty years ago, but today's society is very different from that of the earlier decades. Now we are surrounding ourselves with a constant, relentless barrage of electromagnetic radiation coming from exponentially more sources than ever before.

Taking the Holistic Approach to EMF Protection

Holistic attitudes towards wellness incorporate physical and mental health factors of everyday living amongst electromagnetic radiation exposure. Finding the best options that address all the physical and mental facets of your daily routine are critical for complete and total protection.

Another thing to keep in mind is that everyone is different. Some individuals are more sensitive to the symptoms of EMF exposure and electromagnetic hypersensitivity than others, so the most effective solution for protection against EMFs that works for you may be different than someone else’s.

Going holistic with your EMF protection requires a fully customized approach to staying safe in this modern world. Consider adopting one or more of the following strategies for a lifestyle that's free of the negative influences of electromagnetic fields radiation.

Reduce Your Exposure to EMFs

You may be thinking that’s easier said than done. No, you can’t really pack up your things and move to some faraway place that isn’t populated with cell phone towers, power lines, computers, and digital billboards (not to mention that it’s getting much tougher to find any place in the world that isn’t getting inundated by 5G signals and EMF radiation).

But believe it or not, you can minimize the amount of electromagnetic energy around you by remaining out of close proximity to the devices that are emitting EMF radiation. When you’re at home, switch off and disconnect electronics that aren’t in use and put some distance between you and those electronics that continue to function. For example, don’t sleep in front of your television or next to your cell phone, don’t stand next to your microwave oven when in use, and keep your wi-fi router in a room that isn’t used often, and even then turn it off at night when you are sleeping.

Lastly, your wireless devices don’t need to be operated wirelessly. When you have the option, use a wire for devices that still support wired connectivity. Fewer wireless electronic devices in your home or office can help decrease the level of EMF exposure that your body sustains on a daily basis.

Grounding Yourself

The Earth provides us with a surge of positive natural energy that boosts our immunity and strengthens our biofield, the energy flowing within all living beings. The biofield is a powerful tool for health and wellness. Used for centuries as a guiding principle in Traditional Chinese Medicine, these life energies are in constant flow and when that flow is interrupted or becomes weakened, that can lead to disease and dysfunction within the body.

When you ground yourself to the Earth’s energy, it helps to strengthen your body’s natural immunity. You can walk barefoot across the natural terrain of our planet and there are even some energy devices that enhance the Earth’s grounding energy to help support the body against the damaging negative influences of EMF radiation.

EMF Protection Devices

The collection of EMF jewelry and harmonizers that are available through EMF Harmony are effective solutions for not only reducing your exposure to EMFs, but also for strengthening the body’s cellular response to these negative forms of energy. The biofield plays an important role in maintaining effective protection against electromagnetic radiation, and it can be influenced with bioresonance technology, a potent energetic healing method that has been used in many healthcare treatment therapies and equipment throughout Europe for many decades.

The EMF Harmony bioresonance technology consists of energetic frequencies that offer dual-layer protection against all sources of EMFs in our homes, our workplaces, and even our vehicles. The energy being emitted from the EMF protection product works by first harmonizing and neutralizing the negative energies found in all forms of EMF. When the bioresonance frequencies make contact with the EMF radiation, the harmful qualities of the radiation are drastically reduced, making them far less potent and harmful when they reach the tissues of the human body. That’s the benefit of the product making a direct impact on the EMF radiation waves coming from your cell phone or wi-fi router.

But there’s an additional layer of protection that utilizes your biofield. The bioresonance frequencies from the EMF protection product being worn around the wrist or across your neckline are introduced into your meridians, the network that distributes your biofield energy through your body. Once inside that network, the bioresonance influences the biofield and supports your body’s immunity at the cellular level, helping to strengthen the cells to ward off the oxidative stress that occurs when the EMF radiation penetrates the tissue. With bioresonance technology on your side, the EMFs are made weaker and the cells’ immunity against their harmful energies are made healthier.

EMF-Protected Areas

Another instance of easier said than done? Not anymore. Whole house EMF harmonizers allow you to target the source of the EMF directly to harmonize the negative energies and reduce their potency that effectively creates a safe zone where EMF radiation is neutralized. Establishing these protected areas inside your home or workplace can be useful solutions for reducing the health consequences of EMF exposure in environments where electromagnetic field radiation is rampant.

The whole house harmonizers like the EMF Harmony Home & Office Kit are designed to be attached directly to a fuse-box and some outlets, and the frequencies they emit will neutralize the EMFs. Simply move yourself and others within the area and enjoy an EMF-protected zone for as long as you wish.

Preserve Your Health by Protecting Against EMFs

These are just some of the most common effective methods for protecting yourself and your loved ones from the sources of EMF that you are bound to encounter. Our technology is only going to evolve further and that means more towers, more devices, and more sources of electromagnetic fields radiation all around us. The time to act is now, taking the necessary steps to protect your home and your family means adopting holistic strategies to reduce oxidative damage and stress to the body and the brain when EMF exposure has been the cause of serious, potentially life-changing health effects.

Consider these choices when weighing your options for EMF protection in today's modern society and you may feel a marked difference in your overall health and wellness in no time.

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